Reunion Concert: Celebrating 40 years together (2019)

Music composed by John Powell, Mahler & Rossini
Conducted by Colin Metters
Performed by The East Sussex Youth Orchestra
October 20, 2019
Fairfield Halls
Croydon, England


It was one chilly October evening that I journeyed down to Croydon to attend a very special and intimate event: “Reunion Concert: Celebrating 40 years together” with Colin Metters and The East Sussex Youth Orchestra.

For me, the main draw of this concert was the premiere of a newly commissioned piece by one of its founding members, John Powell.

John Powell introducing his new piece

I’ve loved John Powell’s film music ever since I first heard his score to FACE/OFF in 1997. The emotive last track on the soundtrack album, “Ready For The Big Ride, Bubba,” showed tremendous promise, and as the years progressed, Powell’s music and approach to film continued to mature, culminating in the bona fide masterpiece, HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON.

Back to the concert in Croydon, the audience that night was a bit on the small side as it consisted mostly of locals and orchestra alumni. Regardless of the audience size, one thing was certain – you could really feel the love, respect and appreciation for John Powell as he introduced his new piece with a short anecdote about his early days in the East Sussex Youth Orchestra (ESYO). It was a heartfelt but amusing speech peppered with profanities!

Powell and conductor Colin Metters embracing on stage

Colin Metters then took to the podium to conduct the world premiere of Powell’s “Life #2, Study No. 1.”

This piece, which ran for about five or so minutes, was brimming with emotion. It was adventurous and passionate, with some parts reminding me of the tragic string parts in SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY.

Unfortunately, around halfway through the piece, just before it started building into a rousing climax, a large and highly audible alarm sound went off in the auditorium. I am sure this put off a few people, but no matter- the ensuing climax brought the house down!

In the program notes, Powell describes his piece as “The Sound of an Exploding Teenage Heart” – this is a perfect description of what it sounded and felt like.

It really was an honour and privilege to be able to hear the premiere of this new work, even more so in the presence of the great man himself, surrounded by his friends and former orchestra colleagues.

I truly hope this piece will receive an official release someday so that we can all experience the passion and anguish behind Powell’s “exploding teenage heart.”


About thirty minutes before the concert began, I was pleasantly surprised to find Powell socializing in the foyer. So of course I walked up to him and asked for a photo 😊 Cool.

Love the “Paws” t-shirt!


Did you also go to this concert? How did you like it?

And what did you think of my report? Feel free to comment below or reach out to me directly in the “Contact Me” section.

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