

For a comprehensive list of every upcoming soundtrack concert happening in the world, please visit the amazing Movies in Concert:

For another comprehensive list of upcoming soundtrack concerts, workshops, events, reviews and everything else in between, please visit the fabulous SoundTrackFest (in English and Spanish):

For a comprehensive resource of soundtrack reviews, concert reviews, composer interviews and more, please visit the fantastic Soundtrack World (in English and Dutch):

Visit the website for Film Score Philharmonic Orchestra (currently in Japanese only), a leading orchestra in Japan that brings the world of soundtracks to the concert hall:


For the latest soundtrack news including upcoming releases and the latest scoring assignments, please visit the definitive Film Music Reporter:

For in-depth discussion and more, please visit the one and only Film Score Monthly Message Board:


Here’s a short list of soundtrack album retailers that I have used over the last two decades. All are trustworthy, highly reputable and provide outstanding customer service: